
Company Profile

Badrilla Ltd is an established life science company providing high-quality reagents for biomedical researchers in academic, pharmaceutical, and biotech settings worldwide.

We are an extension to your research team: providing expertise in chemistry and protein chemistry that underpins the creation and use of carefully validated tools for research. Together we examine the molecular basis cardiac performance, the role of protein S-palmitoylation in disease and ensure the accurate, precise and reliable measurement biomarker concentration in your experimental system.

three medical personnel


Badrilla develops exceptional tools and reagents that advance research and underpin new discoveries in biomedical science. We deliver benefit to researchers, research sponsors and ultimately patients by accelerating the development of new knowledge & effective therapies.


The focus and expertise of Badrilla lie in dynamic post-translational modification of the proteins that coordinate cardiac function and provoke the movement of proteins to new cellular locations. We develop reference materials to validate biomarker immunoassays, ensuring that data from your lab are reliable, accurate and precise. Working with leading researchers, we are able to build and validate new reagents of value to the whole field.

scientist looking at
laboratory personnel using


The focus and expertise of Badrilla lies in dynamic post-translational modification of the proteins that coordinate cardiac excitation-contraction coupling, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac hypertrophy and the maladaptive response leading to heart failure. Working with leading cardiac researchers we are able to build and validate new reagents of value to the whole field.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss new and leading programmes of collaborative research with you, where we can play a minor or major role. Please email info@badrilla.com in the first instance.

  • Bioactive peptides
  • Bioactive small molecules such as novel agonists, antagonists and inhibitors
  • Excellent antibodies to E-C coupling proteins

Please email info@badrilla.com to start the discussion.