DPc10 Inactive Peptide

DPc10 Inactive Peptide


Product code: A010-515
Unit size: 200µg net peptide


DPc10 peptide is a 36-residue peptide corresponding to the Gly2460-Pro2495 region of rabbit RyR2 bearing the CPVT-mutation (. It interacts with RyR2 and provokes abnormal channel activity usually seen in mutant RYR2 channels associated with CPVT.
Synthetic peptide, sequence GFCPDHKAAMVLFLDSVYGIEVQDFLLHLLEVGFLP, derived from a CPVT-mutant form of RYR2 (residues (Gly2460-Pro2495, rabbit). Formula weight 4034.7: Free N-terminus, free C-terminus, trifluoroacetate counter ions.
95% pure (HPLC reverse phase C18 column 100A 4.6 x 150mm column, gradient from 10% – 90% acetonitrile, in 15 minutes. 60 degC). Off white powdered solid.
200 μg net peptide weight
Soluble in dimethylsulphoxide
Store as supplied at -20°C for up to 1 year. Store desiccated. Make fresh solutions prior to use.
Regulatory statement
Product for research use only. Not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic use.
Template is not defined.